
R Packages

rTASSEL: An R-based front-end for TASSEL interactivity.

rPHG: An R-based front-end for the Practical Haplotype Graph.

MGJars: An R package for distributing TASSEL and PHG API libraries.

ViDGER: Create rapid visualizations of RNASeq Data in R.

BRIC: A novel biclustering method for detecting gene regulatory signals (GRSs) within single cells.

ggDESeq: A visualization suite for DESeq related data frames that implements ggplot2 aesthetics.

Web Applications and Databases

BioKotlin Playground: A compiler server for showcasing BioKotlin API in HTML code blocks.

askDB: A graph database platform for association studies in andropogoneae grasses (e.g. maize, sorghum, etc.).

IRIS: Integrated RNA-seq Data Analysis and Interpretation System. Flagship for the IRIS Project.


BioKotlin: A high-performance bioinformatics library that brings the power and speed of compiled programming languages to scripting and big data environments.


PerlSeq: Perl routines for common bioinformatics tasks with FASTA data.